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Gymnastic Dance Uniform


Rosettes and Junior pupils
Girls - regulation blue or gym leotard, bare legs & feet
Boys - black shorts / cycling shorts, plain white T-shirt / unitard

All Grades
regulation blue or gym leotard, footless tights (now regulation) no shoes or gym shoes only.

Pupils may wear their own Gym leotards & tights in any colour or design. These do tend to be more expensive but make a nice birthday present.

It is most essential that hair is tied back for this subject. The back of the head must be flat to the floor so short bunches, 2 plaits overhead or plaited door-knockers are required.

Pupils will be excluded until their hair is correctly groomed for class.

Loose hair is extremely dangerous.


In colder weather, jogging bottoms & slipper socks will be allowed but only if I feel it warrants this. 

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